ChatGPT: how to use AI in marketing?

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It seems that artificial intelligence has reached a new level. Everyone is now talking about the popular ChatGPT. It looks like an ordinary messenger, but on the other end is a bot that can do almost anything: engage in conversation, compose poems, search for errors in code and much more. But let’s look at this from a marketing perspective. How can we use this technology to implement some ideas?


The bot can write copy, and even The Guardian is already doing it! A journalist there sold lightly edited material written by a ChatGPT to the publication and made over $600 for it. And nobody even noticed that it was not written by a human.

Content planning

AI can create content plans! For example, a nail artist and enthusiast requested such a plan from a bot and received a very reasonable response. The plan included material on nail care trends, nail polish application techniques, and nail care. Isn’t that a content plan?

Email Marketing

ChatGPT can create personalized email campaigns, taking into account the peculiarities and behaviors of customers. It can be used in a variety of ways: optimizing email topics, segmenting emails (e.g. writing separately for women who love horseback riding and men who hate it), A/B testing (the chat will highlight the most effective emails for a specific audience).


ChatGPT is a goldmine of ideas and unusual formats. If you provide your brand unique selling proposition, the chat will back with excellent options and creative elements for a potential advertising campaign!

Audience analysis

Bot can analyze customer feedback, compare it to key trends, and generate a report. This allows marketers to better understand the habits and characteristics of their customers. But that’s not all. The program can also conduct surveys and create questionnaires to gather information.

And are his answers grammatically correct?

This question concerns many people, so the chat is constantly tested. For example, AI has passed MBA business exams, a medical exam, and a bar exam. Impressive, isn’t it?

All in all, if you think about it, there are many possibilities for such a bot. For example, you could ask it to come up with a concept for an event, develop podcast scripts, or come up with ideas for your brand name. And if the AI doesn’t get it right, you can correct it and ask it to do it again! It’s the perfect employee!

Ninetales Media