Kate Tkachuk about visual strategies, trends and content

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Kate Tkachuk (@kate_tkchk) is the founder of the IMAGO brand and the IMG creative content creation project. She has been engaged in design and photography for more than 10 years and has extensive knowledge in the arts. We talked about what a visual strategy is, how to reflect a personality in a blog and whether it’s worth following trends

Visuals and visual strategy – is there difference?

I prefer to say that I work with visual strategies. Any personal brand has many tasks and functions that need to be demonstrated. It is the visual content that becomes the tip of the iceberg seen by the viewer. This is a tool that we can use to convey the essence and show functionality.
Visual strategy isn’t just about Instagram. It includes the website, advertising, packaging, publications, and so on. However, for many projects Instagram and other social media are the main sources of traffic, so we focus on this.

As for visual, it’s an Instagram concept that was originally discovered in the CIS countries. This is about how to make photos more aesthetically pleasing and combine them in the feed. Visual is about a picture.

How do I figure out which visual concept is right for me?

Visual strategy is individual work. Firstly, it consists of revealing the personality or brand, its image, values, and unique characteristics. Secondly, visual strategy is responsible for certain functions, such as communication, sales, increasing loyalty and trust, engagement, and page growth. Thirdly, it’s necessary to take into account the preferences and capabilities of a person or brand.
It’s like a puzzle – each project will have its unique image.

Which visual strategies really work today?

If we talk about what’s currently working for business accounts – this is the idea. A brand that doesn’t just have a showcase on a white background, but shares its values, missions and shows the process of filming and production, will work much better. People want to be closer.
For personal blogs, it’s very important to be unique and special. Everyone is tired of following pages copying each other.

Expert content and personality – how to combine them correctly?

There is no ready solution. It’s all about proper positioning and strategy.
It’s essential to define how your expert content interacts with your personal, what the goals of your blog are, and what part of your life you are ready to share. You strive to build a strong brand, and first of all, it’s professionalism. But the loyalty and trust of your audience are also important – this is about your personality.

Is there a place for spontaneous photos in a planned blog?

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