What should you do if you have work fatigue?

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It doesn’t mean that you should change jobs. Perhaps you have an emotional burnout. Even if it seems natural to work and at the same time tell yourself “I can’t”, (we don’t want to upset you) it’s not entirely true.

Emotional burnout

Emotional burnout is included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) and defined as a syndrome caused by accumulated stress from a work life.
Even if you love your job, you can still experience burnout. Maybe you want to do more and feel deeply involved in your activities that you don’t give yourself a chance to relax. Don’t be surprised that after some time, even your favorite tasks stop bringing the energy and desire to reach new heights.

You can object and say that it’s just fatigue – all you have to do is take a rest. Yes, probably! But if after your vacation and numerous TV shows you’ve watched, you don’t feel like going back to work, you should think about visiting a psychotherapist.

What else you can do if you’ve completely lost motivation for work:

Take care of your mental health

Do activities that you like more often – something that you find meaningful and enjoyable. Such an impulse gives you the strength to act, without it life loses its color. You can make a list of what you like and what you don’t – look after your own needs, it’s worth it. Even if taking a hot bath is an enjoyable and accessible activity, it’ll give you pleasure and probably that impulse.

Give yourself a chance to reboot

Yes, a trip or a change of scenery can help a lot. The most important thing is not to run away from yourself (you won’t do it anyway), try to find something new and bring more emotions to life. It’ll give you an opportunity to look at your life from the outside and understand who you are and what you would really like to do.

Prevent burnout

It never hurts to take care of both your mental and physical health. Even if nothing bothers you, it’s better to get a check-up. Maybe you have a disease that takes away a lot of energy. Also, keep track of whether you have enough time to sleep and regain strength. This is usually the first sign of chronic fatigue syndrome. If you catch yourself thinking that you don’t want to do anything, pay attention to it too.

What to do when you suddenly feel tired?

Sometimes we have to meet a lot of urgent deadlines, but we just want to lay in our beds and procrastinate. There are several methods that will help you pull yourself together and finish tasks. All of them may help in the short-term, so if you always feel tired, then you’ll have to deal with it comprehensively.


Yes, sounds obvious, but it helps you set the mood and clean the desk of visual noise. It’s two in one: you both reduce stress by being physically active and get motivated. You don’t have to do a general cleaning, but it’s definitely worth cleaning your workspace.


When you don’t know where to start, grab a pen and paper, write down a to-do list and plan your time. This allows you to manage anxiety, as now you control things and know what you should do first. Don’t forget to put rest and pleasant activities on your list.

Breaking up large tasks

If a task appears overwhelming, it’s better to divide it up into smaller pieces. It’s easier for your brain to start doing one simple task that you already know how to do than to dive into something big, difficult and scary. One easy task comes first, then another one, and now you’ve already solved all your problems.


This point is followed by the previous one and also includes simple actions that lead to great results. One of the most effective methods: set a timer for 10-15 minutes and stay focused during this time. You don’t set yourself super-tasks in advance, that’s why you’ll start working more willingly (as you know, getting started is the hardest part of any task). You’ll be surprised, but it’ll help you stay concentrated for more than 15 minutes.

Give yourself credit

It’s important for our brain to receive praise. Try to praise yourself with words for completing even small tasks. Did you clean your desk? Great! Stayed focused for 10 minutes? Amazing! Believe us, it’s much more efficient to do things this way.

Fighting fatigue immediately

In order to work normally, you need to breathe normally, and your body shouldn’t be crooked and twisted. Your whole body, especially your brain, should get oxygen, so don’t forget to breathe deeply and do exercises from time to time. It’s not difficult and helps you feel much better. Checked.

The most important thing is to appreciate yourself. Life cannot be composed only of work and challenges. If that’s your case, seek professional help and read our article about work-life balance!

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