How can you improve shot composition?

4 min
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You have to learn the composition basics to take good pictures. Let’s talk about key rules and techniques:

The rule of thirds

It’s the basic rule of composition, and even inexperienced photographers can use it. The point is that you need to divide an image into thirds, using two horizontal and two vertical lines, and position the most important elements of your picture at the intersection points.
Use this technique when shooting the horizon: place the sky and the ground in the third of your image, leaving the other two thirds for the main subject, for example, for a seagull. Think about what’s most important in your photo and give it more space.
For your convenience, on iOS, you can enable grid lines in the settings, then these lines will be displayed when shooting.

Leading lines

Pay attention to the natural lines that appear in a photograph – horizon lines or houses shapes. Your task is to draw the viewer’s eye towards a specific point of interest. In other words, these lines help viewers see the main subject.

Diagonal lines

If you want to add a sense of action to an image, use diagonal lines. Remember that ascending lines put you in a good mood, and descending ones work the other way around.


It’s a technique that will help your photos become more interesting – find a natural frame for your story. It can be anything you see: doors, arches, a pattern on the fence, rock crevice, and windows.


Try to find the contrast between background and subjects – so your photo will become more expressive. The contrast can be either color or black and white.

Ninetales Media