What’s a loyal audience and how to measure it?

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What do you think about when starting a blog? Probably about how to attract a large number of followers, make money and get whatever you want bringing the half of social media world together. This is all great, but are you sure that you can turn reach into profits? We’ll tell you what audience loyalty is, how and why to build it, and most importantly, what results you can achieve.

What’s audience loyalty?

A loyal audience is the part of your followers that remains firm in their support, people who are ready to recommend your services and buy your product regularly.
A loyal audience follows updates, comments on posts, shares your content to their stories, and supports you no matter what. Also, according to Inc., loyal customers are likely to spend 67% more than newcomers.

Why develop a loyal audience?

You can achieve good results if you pay attention not only to the number of followers but also to such a key element as a loyal audience.
If you put your heart and soul into the process of attracting a loyal audience, you’ll succeed:

1. Create a strong brand image. Listening to your audience’s opinions is taking care of them. Such customers are more likely to leave positive feedback and recommend your products and services.

2. Know your product shortcomings and fix the problems. The audience will appreciate your honesty about shortcomings and desire to work better on your products. Solve these problems, and then you can attract users who have had a negative customer experience.

3. Increase brand awareness. Post engaging content so that followers share it to their feed or stories and recommend you to people who might be interested in your product.

What are the tools?

Users have to go through a certain path to become loyal customers.
Here is the path:

1. Stranger. This person is potentially interested in your product but doesn’t know anything about you yet. Grab the attention of strangers by such tools as targeted advertising, mutual PR, etc. It’s also important to use word-of-mouth advertising.

2. Visitor. When strangers find you or your brand in the digital space, they go to your profile. Now you have to retain them. All you need is strong brand positioning, engaging content and an appealing offer.

3. Follower. When visitors have decided to follow you, it’s time to tell them about your offer, talk about discounts, and use calls to action.

4. Client. If followers clicked on active links and bought a product, they have become your customers. It’s important to meet their needs and provide effective customer service communication. Be polite and respond promptly to all requests.

5. Loyal client. If customer demand is satisfied, clients will recommend you to their friends and probably come back to you again. In difficult situations, they may even defend you by telling people about their positive experiences.

Customer engagement and loyalty: are they the same?

These two concepts might sound similar but they’re different. A loyal customer is interested in your blog, goes to your profile, buys products, and comes back. An engaged user goes through a similar path, except the last step. It’s important to track both metrics to adjust your development plan and understand your audience.

How to measure a loyal and engaged audience?

Ninetales Media