What’s the best time to post?

3 min
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You can invest your time, create really great content and don’t receive well-deserved feedback from the audience. And only because you’ve chosen the wrong time for publication. Let’s figure out what’s the best time to post on Instagram, and what it depends on.

Why should you think about the best time for posting?

There are several reasons. For example, the right time allows you to get more interactions with your publication during the first hours after posting. This, in turn, affects whether the social platform will show your post in the recommendations or to other users.

Also, you can easily think through your posting time if you create a content plan in advance or use Ninetales Auto-posting. Effective promotion depends heavily on the right posting time.

What posting time to choose?

In fact, there are no uniform recommendations: the perfect posting time that works for everyone just doesn’t exist. A lot of factors affect your audience. That’s why you need to choose the right time for yourself.

1. Analyze the statistics of your Instagram account

We’ve already talked about metrics on Instagram in one of the articles. Your task is to collect all data by focusing on days and hours of your audience activity. After that, choose the most active periods to post. You need to switch your personal Instagram account to a Business to get access to all the metrics.

*no need to explore statistics by content formats because there is no data regarding posting time.

2. Use analytics tools

A lot of services can provide more information than basic Instagram metrics. For example, the social network shows only eight most active hours. In case you need to get data for the last 24 hours, use a different tool.

3. Ask your audience

Why not directly ask your audience about the time they most often watch your content? Create a story with a question sticker on your Instagram and collect data.

4. Try different posting time

Post at completely different times and days. Collect the data and then compare with official statistics. You’ll see that they don’t always match.

What do you need to focus on?

There are some points that can affect your choice.

Region and time zone of your audience.

If your time zones are different, follow the audience. Here is a tip: if it’s daytime, and your followers have completely the opposite, or vice versa, use Ninetales Auto-posting to schedule posts. So you don’t have to wake up at nightfall all the time.

Posting time can depend on the content’s format.

For a story, you need to remember that they disappear after 24 hours. So you need to post during your account’s peak times. If you plan to add your story to highlights or want to increase the chances of getting into the recommendations, then focus on the time when you receive the most reactions.

Seasons and holidays.

The time of activity during holidays and vacation seasons may be different. For example, if your Instagram peak times are usually on Wednesdays, but the New Year’s Day falls on this day, don’t expect the usual activity.

Global changes in the world.

User activity can both increase and decrease according to world events. So, during the pandemic, periods of interactions have changed significantly.

Posting time cannot be chosen once and for all. You need to review and analyze from time to time when it’s better to publish. Use our auto-posting to schedule content in advance and free up time for more interesting or important things!

Ninetales Media